No 6. Hadeeths About Dream

Jun 8, 2008 by: zen non

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1. Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, reported:

A person came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said:

Allah 's Messenger, I saw while I was sleeping during the night (this vision) that there was a cloud from which butter and honey were trickling and I also saw people collecting them in the palms of their hands, some more, some less, and I also saw a rope extending from the sky to the earth and I saw you catching hold of it and rising up towards the heaven; then another man after you catching hold of it and rising up; then another man catching hold of it, and rising up then another man catching hold of it and rising up, then another man was catching hold of it, but it was broken then it was rejoined for him and he also climbed up.

Abu Bakr said:

Allah's Messenger, may my father be sacrificed for you, by Allah, allow me to interpret it.

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:

Well, give its interpretation. Thereupon

Abu Bakr said:

The cloud signifies the cloud of Islam and that what it trickles out of it in the form of butter and honey is the Holy Qur'an and its sweetness and softness and what the people get hold of it in their palms implies some people learning major portion of the Qur'an while others learning the small portion; and so far as the rope joining the sky with the earth is concerned, it is the Truth by which you stood (in the worldly life) and by which Allah would raise you (to Heaven). Then the man after you would take hold of it and he would also climb up. Then another man would take hold of it and climb up. Then another man would take hold of it and it would be broken; then it would be rejoined for him and he would climb up with it. Allah's Messenger, may my father be taken as a ransom for you, tell me whether I have interpreted it correctly or not.

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:

You have interpreted a part of it correctly and you have erred in interpreting a part of it.

Thereupon he said:

Allah's Messenger, by Allah, tell me that part where I have committed an error.

Thereupon he said: Do not take oath.
Hadith number in Sahih Muslim: 4214

2. Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:

I saw in sleep that I was about to migrate from Makkah to a land abounding in palm-trees and I guessed that it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar, but it was Al-Madinah Yathrib (the old name of Medina), and I saw in this dream that I was brandishing a sword and its blade got broken and this is what fell (in the form of misfortune to the believers on the Day of Uhud).

I brandished (the sword) for the second time and it became all right and this is what came to be true when Allah granted us victory and solidarity of the believers. And I saw therein cows also and Allah is the Doer of good. These meant the group from among the believers on the Day of Uhud and the goodness which Allah brought after that and the reward of attestation of his Truth which Allah brought to us after the Day of Badr.

Hadith number in Sahih Muslim: 4217

3. Abu Hurairah reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:

While I was sleeping I saw in my hands two gold bangles. This had a disturbing effect upon me and I was given a suggestion in the sleep that I should blow over them, so I blew over them and they were no more. And I interpreted these (two bangles) as the two great liars who would appear after me and the one among them was Al-'Ansi the inhabitant of San'a and the other one Musailimah the inhabitant of Al-Yamamah.
Hadith number in Sahih Muslim: 4218 **full hadeeth here**

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Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a:
Dari Nabi s.a.w. Baginda bersabda: Apabila Kiamat semakin dekat, mimpi seorang muslim hampir tidak dusta. Mimpi salah seorang di antara kamu yang paling dekat dengan kebenaran adalah mimpi orang yang paling jujur dalam berbicara. Mimpi seorang muslim adalah satu daripada empat puluh lima bahagian kenabian.

Mimpi itu sendiri terbahagi kepada tiga aspek iaitu: Mimpi baik, adalah khabar gembira yang datang dari Allah. Mimpi sedih, adalah mimpi yang datang dari syaitan. Kemudian mimpi yang datang dari bisikan diri sendiri, iaitu jika salah seorang di antara kamu bermimpi yang tidak menyenangkan, maka hendaklah beliau bangun dari tidur lalu mendirikan sembahyang dan dikehendaki jangan beliau ceritakan mimpi tersebut kepada manusia.

Baginda bersabda lagi: Aku sangat menyukai seutas tali dan tidak menyukai sebuah belenggu. Tali adalah lambang keteguhan dalam beragama. Akan tetapi aku tidak tahu apakah yang terakhir ini adalah termasuk Hadis atau sekadar ucapan Ibnu Sirin sahaja
Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim: 4200

3. Hadis Ibnu Abbas r.a katanya:
Pada suatu hari Musailamah Al-Kazzab datang ke Madinah pada zaman Nabi s.a.w dan berkata: Jika Muhammad menyerahkan urusan kepadaku sepeninggalannya, nescaya aku mahu mengikuti jejaknya. Lalu Musailamah kembali berkumpul dengan kaumnya. Kemudian Nabi s.a.w bersama dengan Thabit bin Qais bin Syammas berangkat menemui Musailamah. Ketika itu Nabi s.a.w membawa sepotong pelepah kurma.

Setelah Nabi s.a.w berada di hadapan Musailamah berserta teman-temannya, baginda bersabda: Sekalipun kamu meminta kepadaku sepotong kayu ini, tidak akan aku berikan kepadamu. Aku tidak akan menyerang kamu. Hal itu adalah urusan Allah terhadap dirimu. Jika kamu berpaling, nescaya Allah akan membinasakanmu. Sesungguhnya aku telah bermimpi tentang kamu dan ini adalah Thabit yang akan memberikan jawapannya kepada dirimu. Kemudian baginda beralih meninggalkan Musailamah.

Ibnu Abbas berkata: Aku bertanya berkenaan sabda Nabi s.a.w bahawa aku bermimpi tentang kamu. Kemudian dijawab oleh Abu Hurairah sesungguhnya Nabi s.a.w bersabda: Ketika aku sedang tidur, aku bermimpi melihat sepasang gelang emas berada di tanganku. Sepasang gelang tersebut sangat menarik perhatianku. Di dalam tidur itu, aku mendapat wahyu supaya meniup sepasang gelang tersebut. Setelah aku tiup ternyata sepasang gelang tersebut terang. Maka aku tafsirkan mimpi itu bahawa akan muncul dua pembohong sepeninggalku. Salah seorang darinya ialah Al-Ansi dari daerah Sanaa (Yaman) kemudian yang keduanya ialah Musailamah dari daerah Yamamah
Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim: 4218

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