Aug 21, 2009 by zen non
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.

Mari mulakan dengan satu matawang. Matawang yang mempunyai emas berkilau berberat setara nilai tertera. Duit kecil ialah syiling. Syiling yang tak berguna pada dewasa kerana hanya mampu membeli barang 5 ringgit sahaja. Tiada berasas kepada penciplakan, nilai matawang seumpama dinar ini amatlah selamat untuk naik.

Begitulah yang kurasakan.

Let’s start with a note. A shining note with its equivalent value weight of gold printed on its face. Loose change will be schillings. Schillings those are worthless to adults as they can make only a purchase of no more than RM5. Baseless to forgery, the value of this kind of dinar always rise safely.

I’m just practicing my freedom responsibly.

(Apa yang kumaksudkan ialah duit kertas yang mempunyai emas ditinta di atas duit itu, seperti benang emas atau cop mohor sebagai contoh. Emas itu beratnya sama dengan nilai duit tersebut. Sebagai andaian, 1gram emas pada not kertas seratus ringgit)

Imej dipinjam dari sini, yang memaparkan berita emas di Malaysia.
Aug 14, 2009 by zen non

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem,
Muslimin dan muslimat yang dihormati sekalian.

Bangsa itu sakit apabila dilemahkan akal. Akal yang lemah memberi peluang kepada fitnah. Malah, melihat orang yang olok-olok dibunuh adalah salah satu contoh agen pelemah akal. Meskipun agak lemah, ia membawa kesan berpanjangan Ini pendapatku. Bagaimanakah agar kita secara individu dan secara komuniti dapat melindungi sempadan udara kita dari serangan minda yang berleluasa melalui radio, televisyen dan internet?

Pertarungan di antara hati dan minda yang kuat disuarakan oleh tokoh pemikir Islam antarabangsa, Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki pastilah suatu isu yang serius diperbincangkan. Bagaimanakah tindakbalas seseorang individu dan sesebuah komuniti terhadap laporan Institut RAND,Civil Democratic Islam, yang ditulis oleh Cheryl Benard pada tahun 2003?

Bungkam mungkin kerana sudah putus hubungan neuron-neuron yang jarang-jarang digunakan atau dikhayali pandangan memerlukan kesedaran. Bangkit dari sifat sendirian menuju penyatuan yang menjayakan. Kerdil bukanlah dalam sejarah senantiasa akan dilapah menjadi santapan. Asal ruas tidak berbuku, apabila keras menimbal tekanan. Seorang anak murid kepada Syeikh Ahmad Jibril pernah menintakan senarai ubatan untuk penyakit hati. Bagaimanakah kita secara individu dan secara komuniti mengaktifkan sistem pertahanan jasad dan rohani dengan menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi yang diajarkan oleh guru-guru masa kini demi menghadapi serangan memoderasi?

p/s: Tidak apa kalau tiada jawapan. Wahai Yang Maha Berkuasa, kami serahkan urusan kami di dunia ini kepada-Mu, selamatkanlah kami semua di dunia dan di akhirat.

bonus read: Stress…How To Cope With It?

Aug 12, 2009 by zen non

One way to spread goodness is to recite the Quran aloud at home as frequent as one can. It will not only ward off demons away, but it will also bring a good image for the whole Muslim community.


A local bus is what we needed. A local masjid will make a difference. In view of space occupied by Muslim Malays from the beginning up until now, a nearby masjid is essential for the development of a peaceful town. A masjid attracts devotees five times a day, making small businesses around it to flourish in time. What are needed are local buses that operate efficiently in a small radius of vicinity and a local bus station that sit next to a masjid. Everyone can surely benefit from such activities. Cast away any worries that emerge from the depth of thy soul, because Islam is a religion that carries fairness through strict orders of The God. People trade and people pays, a collection counter at the masjid will surely makes this country rich. Then this richness can be distributed daily.


Fishing is for the patient hearts. Many will drown enduring this challenge. But to watch someone catching a fish is some fun. The Rajang River may have some real big fish. A three days’ fishing tournament is what in my mind. Participants are drawn by prizes and monies. Sponsors are everywhere to be found. The chance of returned investment is achievable mathematically. Teams are combination of local folks and rich boys from the cities. This is a way to tie relationship of the Borneos to the mainlanders. The short stint of three days has the impact of year-long bonding. Such national event will surely generate people attention to the joy of racial diversities in our beloved country. But all in all, it must be shown live on the tv. :)


A good act can be unpleasant to some. Respecting neighbours is the teaching of the Prophet SAW even though our next door neighbours are from clan of Jews. Like a planet that move from a system to system, our neighbours change when we move from place to place. 40 people around us all the time are the neighbours. Be good to them makes the key to Jannah.


This life is destined, now how do we secure the future of our bloodlines? "Fear Allah and Allah will teach you," Sheikh Ahmad Jibril, our modern day's scholar.

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This is where I practice my writings.
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Segala pujian hanya kepada Allah SWT.
All praises are due to Allah The One God.

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