Aug 26, 2007 by zen non
Last night i had been given a chance to teach by Allah SWT in a tuition centre at Sri Rampai,KL. I had three class starting at 8pm in two hours. Alhamdulillah, the last one was in front of around twelve naïve 13 years old kids with different beliefs. Their usual tutor was Teacher Khairul; as he was absent, I came in as a replacement.

Topic for that class was energy. As a cracker, i asked them did they believe God? All nodded. Okay, i said to them, I would tell them a story.

To begin my story, I started with when God wanted to create the universe, God gave a very, very strong energy to start the creation. This energy could not be destroyed, it would only kept changing and changing into other energies. Thus with this energy, all the planets, all the moons, all the stars, and everything else was created, I continued. Then why, why didn't we received this energy from God directly from the sky? was my next question. Without waiting for them to think, I continued, it is because we, mankind, could not bear the power of God. Even a mountain would melt into dust not able to hold the power of this great energy from God. But God had a way for us to be able to receive this energy. How? I continued... it was through the sun.

The sun received the power of God and it exploded into fusion. The explosion sent radiation and billions of tonnes of charged particles streaming into space. Alhamdulillah, we sleep soundly every night. If not, Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! What's that bang, the sun is exploding. Sound energy couldn't travel in space.

So, I continued, only beneficial energies reached earth, that is the light energy which also carried the heat energy with it. Thus, green leaves received the light to generate food. So great was this energy, grass became carpet for the land that mankind walked on it. Then, cows grazed on this green, green grass. So rich was this energy, plants had plenty of food where it could stored excesses food in it fruits. In this way, light energy was captured and converted into chemical energy in green and red.

Then, as we ate this food we received the energy from God, filtered after many levels to reach mankind. And we used this energy to do all kinds of works.

Heat energy from the sun also was used to heat up the land and the ocean. While it heated up a piece land, another piece of land which didn't received enough light will became colder. Therefore, a difference in air pressure was created, and so the air would move from the colder area on this earth to the hotter part. Moving air, or wind, is a source of energy on this earth. When the sea was heated, water would be evaporated in mists of cloud which triggered water cycle, either locally, or globally. As a result, another source of energy was handed to mankind. And then i continued explaining to them that fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, biomass, nuclear, geothermal and hydrogen are sources of energy on earth that came from the sun too.

All of the students were silently listening and i noticed awed look on their face. Although i already knew their answer, i asked them, did anybody had ever told you this? No teacher, we never heard, was their replied. Then with this answer i extended my teaching last night. I told them that the first sentence that shouldn't be but had been there in their textbook was “science is a study of natural phenomena”. I wrote that sentence on the white board, then i erased the phrase “natural phenomena” adding and introducing to these young kids a new phrase “Greatness of God”. I said to them, this is why we must study science. Science is supposed to be a study of the greatness of God.

Then I asked them to open their book and we started a Q&A's session.

To my beloved brothers and sisters,
In the beginning there was only Allah. Allah had chosen us to be tested on a chosen place, the 'ardh. And Allah gave us everything that we need to rule justly on a small piece of land, precious to us 'cause it will never be made land again. Even the energy that we have now comes from Allah SWT. We walk, we talk, we sit and we think with it. We decide how to use this energy, why and when to use it, and for who we give our energy to. For good or for evil this energy from God spread by mankind.

What can we do when we see the blood of our ummah spilled with this energy? And we are on one body, we shall at least feel the pain too. Furthermore, we can teach our children with the teaching of Rasullullah SAW. The Furqan and the Sunnah are on our side, it was not sent down only for the age of the last prophet, but it remains a challenge to today's scientific and technological advancement.

After the beginning is the end.

zenoni denoni
This the end for this three-parts series. If any part in this series is wrong, please correct me.

Further reading:
1.Scientific Comments on Verses Of the Holy Quran By: Dr. Salama Abdel-Hady
2.Is the Universe Static By Magdy Abd AL-Shafy

3. The birth and death of the universe By:Magdy Abd Al-Shafy
Aug 17, 2007 by zen non

Four great kings,
Ride horses swift as the wind,
Two were just, two were kind,
An epitome to Age of The Kings.
A white donkey king to its kins,
Once accompanied
a suffering king,
a short journey was his/the grandest gift.

Hail and glory!
for King of the Kings
by zen non
“Tak tahu, bertanya,
Sesat jalan, nanti merana,
Tepuk dada, tanya selera,
Tutup mata, tutup telinga”
– Bahalol, XPDC (Album – Kita Pengyu)

Ramai yang menggunakan internet hari ini. Masing-masing dengan tujuan tersendiri. Ada yang sekadar ingin memeriksa email, berhubung dengan sahabat-handai yang jauh di mata dekat di hati, membaca berita dan lain-lain lagi. Semenjak diperkenalkan pada penghujung milenium lepas, internet kini telah berkembang dengan pesat sesuai dengan tarafnya sebagai teknologi komunikasi terbaik; murah, akses yang mudah dan pelbagai fungsi.

Sesuai dengan tujuan penciptaan asal internet iaitu untuk memudahkan komunikasi dan perkongsian data antara-universiti, kini jaringan yang kecil itu telah berkembang ke seluruh dunia. Akan tetapi tujuan asalnya yang murni masih lagi kekal sehingga hari ini. Walaubagaimanapun, sedih sekali apabila jaringan perkongsian ini telah dicemari dengan pelbagai anasir kapitalis yang menggunakannya untuk menyebarkan ideologi bahawa orang perlu membayar untuk memperolehi perisian atau sekadar mendapatkan bahan-bahan ilmiah mahupun hiburan. Lantas seperti di dalam dunia realiti, orang berada akan memandang jijik akan perbuatan golongan marhein mendapatkan fail-fail secara percuma dari internet. Penulis ingin menekankan di sini bahawa golongan yang mendapatkan bahan-bahan pornografi sewajarnya dipandang hina.

Akan tetapi, bagaimana jika seseorang yang memuat turun perisian yang berharga beribu-ribu ringgit sekadar untuk kegunaan sendiri. Iaitu beliau menggunakan peluang ini untuk memajukan kebolehan diri dengan menguasai perisian-perisian tersebut dan seterusnya boleh menggunakannya untuk membebaskan diri dari belenggu perlumbaan tikus. Atau beliau hanya memuat turun cerita wayang atau lagu-lagu sekadar untuk hiburan. Maka perlukah lagi dia membelinya dari penjaja haram atau penjual sah yang pastinya mengenakan harga yang menekan.

Ah, sedarkah kita bahawa tak kira berjuta transaksi muat turun berlaku setiap saat, filem-filem Hollywood dan Bollywood tetap mencapai keuntungan beratus juta, artis-artis barat masih mampu menghiasi diri dengan “bling-bling” pada gigi,celana dalam, selipar jepun malah tindik telinga anjing mereka. Apakah mereka tak cukup mewah lagi maka kita perlu memberi mereka makan. Oh, kalau begitu mereka mengalihkan persoalan kepada produk tempatan? Penulis berpendapat muat turun daripada internet langsung tidak memberi signifikasi impak kepada kemunduran kualiti produk tempatan. Malah, sekiranya pendedahan kepada teknologi terkini dibuka kepada kesemua rakyat, maka masyarakat akan menjadi lebih bijak dalam penilaian dan pemilihan. Mungkin ini yang tidak dimahukan oleh golongan berada.

“Hey bonggol, banyak bonggol,
jangan sondol, nanti terlanjur,
Hey, bengang, dah lama bengang,
sudah tak boleh nak buat apa,
aku tak nak jadi soh chai, tak nak jadi soh chai”
Tak Nak Jadi Soh Chai, XPDC

Maaf, sekali lagi penulis membawa kepada pendahuluan yang berjela-jela. Apa yang ingin disampaikan cuma penulis ingin memperkenalkan komuniti perkongsian maklumat yang bebas dari rantai besi peraturan sivil yang dicipta oleh manusia-manusia yang lemah. Selepas Napster bersemadi, kini telah muncul komuniti yang lebih mantap lagi iaitu torrent.

Di dalam komuniti torrent, memuat turun data adalah terus dari pengguna-pengguna yang bersedia berkongsi bersama-sama dengan semua ahli komuniti. Ini bermaksud tidak ada lagi muat turun dari server atau situs-situs tertentu. Apa yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengguna memuat turun dan memasang satu robot kecil dari internet ke dalam komputer pengguna. Robot yang dihasilkan oleh pakar perisian internet yang sememangnya pro-perkongsian maklumat hanya memakan sedikit sahaja RAM lantas langsung tidak menjejaskan keupayaan komputer. Robot (perisian) ini yang sangat bijak dan selamat digunakan ini dinamakan sebagai torrent downloader dan antara robot-robot yang terkemuka adalah utorrent, azureus, bittorrent dsb.

Kemudian, pengguna perlu mengakses halaman-halaman yang menyimpan fail rujukan (dengan penghujung nama *.torrent), mencari dan mengambil fail yang diinginkan dan kemudian dengan hanya klik berganda pada fail rujukan tersebut maka proses memuat turun secara automasi berlaku. Pengguna hanya perlu bersabar menunggu sehingga selesai muat turun untuk menggunakan fail tersebut.

Sebagai contoh, penulis yang miskin ini tidak berkemampuan untuk pergi tengok wayang cerita Die Hard 4. Oleh yang demikian penulis hanya menunggu dengan sabar sehingga salinan DVD cerita tersebut dikeluarkan, maka sudah pastinya akan ada pengguna yang baik hati akan memuat naik dalam komuniti torrent. Selepas bersabar kira-kira 3 bulan untuk menunggu salinan DVD yang gambarnya memang cantik, penulis akan mencari dalam situs yang nyata benar mengikut pengalaman penulis yang sudah kira-kira dua tahun menyertai komuniti torrent ini, mencari fail rujukan, membaca komen pengguna-pengguna lain untuk memastikan tidak berlaku perkara yang tidak baik, mengambil fail rujukannya, klik berganda untuk memulakan proses muat turun fail Die Hard 4, dan kemudian bersabar selang sehari dua dengan kelajuan akses 0.5MB, menunggu robot-robot kecil torrent merangkak-rangkak di dalam jaringan lelabah dan membawa pulang isi-isi cerita Die Hard 4 ke dalam PC. Apabila lengkap semuanya. maka hasilnya penulis boleh menonton hero tua, Bruce Willis beraksi sambil makan nasi atau sambil bersenang-senang baring-baring di rumah. Malah sahabat-sahabat pun boleh berkongsi menonton dengan hanya membawa satu CD kosong sahaja. Kemudian setelah dibakar, CD ini boleh ditonton di televisyen dengan menggunakan pemain DVD dengan format terkini.

Bukan sahaja cerita wayang, malah cerita di t.v. juga boleh didapati dengan pantas daripada torrent. Banyak cerita bersiri di t.v. boleh didapati sebaik sahaja ia selesai ditayangkan di US. Dengan kata lain, walaupun berada di Malaysia, penulis masih boleh mengikuti kisah pengembaraan Hiro Nakamura tiga bulan lebih awal dari mereka yang menonton di Astro. Bukan hiburan sahaja, malah komuniti muslim sunnah al jamaah antarabangsa turut mempunyai laman perkongsian torrent sendiri yang setiap hari menawarkan pelbagai pengetahuan melalui dokumentari yang sememangnya tidak akan dilihat di televisi tempatan. Ceramah-ceramah yang disampaikan oleh penceramah yang terkenal seperti Allahyarham Ahmad Deedat, Syeikh Ahmad Jibril, Hamza Yusuf, Zakir Naik (US), Imam Anwar Al Awlaki (Canada) yang sememangnya tidak memerlukan tapisan protokolis propaganda parti berkuasa tempatan juga boleh diperolehi. Yeah, enak sekali.

Secara ringkas, proses untuk pembaca yang ingin menyertai komuniti perkongsian torrent adalah sebegini:
Step 1: Go to download and install this software.
Step 2: Run the program – go to Option, Preference, Download,
here you can set where to put the downloaded files. Please create/use two folders. One is for
new unfinished download, and the other one where you want it to be stored when the download
is finish.
Step 3: Go to these trusted site:
1. - register, login, then click to torrent icon, it will show list of files available. There is also a search box here. Click to any files, browse down, search for an underlined bold text that has *.torrent extension, click it, save to folder to download later or set to open with”utorrent” which will be easier as you will immediately put it into the utorrent software.
2.- no registration required. Follow instruction at no. 1.
(movie,ebook, software etc)
3. - no registration required. Follow instruction at no. 1.
(best movie site)
4. - no registration required. Follow instruction at no. 1.
(best tv site, always the latest, so be quick to download because if you wait for two or three days, seeders will be low and it will take much longer time to complete downloading)
5. - no registration required. Another tv site.

If your turn on to conspiratorial documentaries, here is a good site.
registration required. Sometimes this site got hack by so please wait one or two days for it to recover. It always does. Trust me.
-this is site of Prof. Noam Chomsky, a well known linguist from MIT and also a
strong political activist.

My tips to download torrent:
Be the one who download early. Check the sites everyday. Cause it will determine the time you'll complete downloading.

Always read others commentaries. Some people are bad. They are offering fake files just to disrupt this nice community. Just remember to download video files the extension are *.avi, *.bin, *.mp4, *.mpeg and not other unknown format. Careful when download movie with *.rar, a virus/trojan might attached. Normal size for a movie is about 700 – 800MB, download DVD copy for best quality. Usual size of half an hour TV show is around 350MB, which always a good quality (HDTV). Extra careful when you download software, be sure to know what you are downloading, always read the comments. Or you may end with virus/trojan/worm.

Here is also a movie player that is small in size but plays all kind of movies:

All sites and softwares stated above are trusted, very useful and had been used by the author for quite some times. Good things in life is free and we share. So, don't be those who oppose, just follow the flow.
Your welcome.
zenoni denoni

p/s: you can also use older peer to peer (p2p) filesharing community for smaller files, (*.mp3,*.wma) by using ares p2p software
by zen non
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

In this country, although almost every child attends public school, it is customary that parents still sent their children to tuition centre as an additional effort to get their children attain good result in exams thus providing them better chances to be admitted into better schools or later; to local universities. However, in my point of view, this exam orientated mindset does not have the ability to produce citizens with plenty of resources and skills to earn their living. As a result, typical people that live in boxes are created throughout the country's 50 years history of independence. But nobody is to be blamed because this is how our fathers and forefathers had been educated since the British came 300 years ago.

In Malaysia, our education system still follow the aging British system. Although after time and time of alteration by our ministry of education, a lot of criticisms still risen by both parents and educators because the constant changes and heavier load for the teachers and students. Students in school does not enjoy learning anymore compare to the time of discovering their early childhood. Educational books is read only because they are told to read it, not driven by intrigue, not even by the interest of the mind. But maybe it is not that they do not love knowledge, maybe it is only not the right kind of knowledge that Rasullullah SAW had teached his students, or maybe not the kind of knowledge that Allah wants this kids to have.

An open eye might be able to pinpoint elements of Materialism, Darwinism, Secularism and Capitalism in our current educational curricular. For example, the first sentence in Form 1 Science textbook read as follow: “Science is a study of natural phenomena” which is clearly from Darwin's quote. Furthermore, the disentanglement of religious teaching from civil affairs and public teaching is the way of Secularist.

Recently, during my research, I had come across Kinza Academy, which provides homeschooling service in US, whose among its advisory board are John Taylor Gatto and Syeikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson. The contents of its curriculum are the seven arts of liberal education i.e. grammar, logic, rhetoric, mathematics, music, geometry, and astronomy. I am not able to see its contents but I wish I can. Insha Allah.

John Taylor Gatto is a retired teacher. He is an expert in US education system and the author of “Dumbing Us Down”, a book about the failure of education system in US. I'd looked in Kinokuniya at KLCC but without any success and yet it is not cheap either (USD12). While Syeikh Hamza is a renounce speaker in the Muslim community. As a matter of fact, I'd downloaded quite a numbers of his lectures into my hard drive.

To this day, because there has never been found or created a better education system to cater for our diversified ethnicity and religions in this country, issue of mis education is still hanging in the air. An appropriate educational system must completes the requirement for both this life and the afterlife and also will not only available to an engineer's siblings but also to a rubber tapper's son.

I pray to Allah for the dimensional luxury of space and time.
by zen non
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

The Beginning - Situation

Subhanallah. Alhamdullillah. Allahuakbar.
For as long as I remember, never comes the thought of me being a teacher. But a twist of fate brings me to what I am now. And I have no intention of going anywhere as long as Allah will is what I am now. Mind that my last job was a cook at a nasi lemak stall in Medan Sunway.

With blessing from Allah The Most Gracious, right now I am guided to a path which I endlessly pray to Allah The Most Merciful for any misguidance. Allah with all His Kindness has sustain my livings with adequate students, good health and all kinds of blessing befitting to my needs.

Here is my story. Most of my fifty plus students are kids that are the restless, full of joy and happily-running-around kids who has come regularly to my nice centre here from day one. Alhamdulillah. A few months ago, Allah The Great has sent me a few secondary students to be under my tutelage which brings to my point of my writing here.

Today's morning class was Form 1 Science.

One boy came earlier before 8 telling me he got something at school and had to be excused. That left me with two girls, one is Farhana and a Serani named Ana. I love my students to ask me questions, so then I can tell them stories beyond their school curriculum boundary. And this morning was the usual Q&A tutorial that I had asked them to finish up since last week so I can move to the next topic. As usual too, they'll never met up to my expectation to complete those questionnaires at home by giving me lame excuses of too many homeworks, adik kacau cetera.

So as the Q&As goes along, we came to a question of conservation of natural resources which I intentionally bring up the oil issue. I said to them, in another 20 years or so, without any new oil field found, there will be petrol no more and they have to walk to go anywhere. Or; I added; you can buy horses from me which what I'll be doing at that time, a horse and donkey merchant. They giggles. Then Ana asked me if I would sell camel too. No, I replied. I had no knowledge whether camel could live in this country or not, I had to do some more research on that, I said to them. And then we joke some more on this issue. FYI, I had already told them a few months ago about the petroleum crisis and the like of giants such as USA and China that keep on sucking oil like there will be no tomorrow. And I also had told them before that current wars against terrorism are nothing but business propaganda.

If you are wandering, my point is this. We are the current leaders of the next decade and these young naive kids are our hope. But what have we stored for them, wealth? Money? Power? A vision? What? With the current situation on our education system, we are doom to fail. These youngsters we have now will be wasted as the country that create our education and governmental system intentionally use it as a post colonial divide and conquer tactic. Yet our leaders are sleeping over it, on the rolls that we paid to them. Allahuakbar.

Both my students and I know that their faith is gloomy on the years to come, although we joked about it, but it keeps us alert. I kept thinking and thinking of what should I do so that I can make a small contribution towards the rising of the ummah. And I know that this ummah will surely rise, as our beloved prophet has prophesied. It is only a matter of when will we realize and we can act upon the knowledge that is given to us by Allah. We can be the fire starters. No matter how long it takes, 100, 200, 300 years; but we have to start now. Our brothers in other countries are doing so right now.

My friends, first is we have to raise our eman. Setting up examples. Educate our own children to the path of the righteous people. Spread only the good things. Not the evil deeds. Then we have to strengthen our numbers by inviting the non-believers here to the houses of Allah. So many things yet to be done, why must we sit around and let other to grab this opportunities. Hopefully after all that we have done; on the day of judgment; by Allah mercy, He will save us from the torture of hellfire.
Insha Allah.
Jazakallahhikhairn for you who has read this from start to end.

About This Blog

This is where I practice my writings.
Inilah tempat aku mengasah kemahiran menulis.
Segala pujian hanya kepada Allah SWT.
All praises are due to Allah The One God.

Komentar dan kritikan amat dialu-alukan.
Comments and critics are most welcome.

Pembaca boleh mengambil mana-mana artikel yang diminati, cuma jangan dinasabkan sebagai hak sendiri.
Readers may take any interesting articles, but just don't claim it as yours.